I am a licensed professional counselor (LPC). in the state of Virginia and I have been exclusively providing virtual counseling since 2020. Virtual Counseling is also referred to as TeleHealth, TeleMedicine, TeleTherapy, Remote Counseling, Online Counseling Therapy, Video Therapy, Internet Psychotherapy, etc. It requires use of a computer, laptop, tablet, or cell phone with access to the Internet. Sessions conducted by telephones with only audio capacity are very rarely covered by health insurance.
I utilize several treatment modalities which can include Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral, or Relational/Family/Couples Therapy. Which in layman's terms means changing the way one thinks, feels, behaves and relates to others. In my 35 years of practice, I have been able to assist people to make therapeutic change in an average of 14 to 18 sessions. Some people require less and some require more sessions depending on the complexity of their situation. Sexual therapy usually requires approximately 20 sessions.
My treatment plans are defined to fit you and I facilitate your efforts to reach your therapeutic goals. Besides the abundant listening and talking aspect of theraphy, I use different modalities based upon what you need to accomplish. Modalities can include therapeutic readings for those who are receptive to reading, written and non-written homework assignments, and some structured sessions to process your progress. I
take notes during the sessions to
memorialize content and create
consistancy week
to week with you.
Poarch Sledd, LPC
(c) Copyright 2024
Poarch G. Sledd LPC